Sacramento Valley Council
Hello and Welcome to The Sacramento Valley Forum Council
The Sacramento Valley Regional Council is a regional group of the California Receivers Forum. Our members include receivers, attorneys, accountants, real estate brokers, bankers and loan specialists, fiduciaries, trustees, property managers and other insolvency professionals. Our goal is to facilitate communication between the local and state Courts and our receivership community. And through community outreach and educational programs, assist in raising the level of professionalism of receivers throughout the state.
Past, present, and future receivers, lenders, attorneys, accountants, judges, property managers, title companies, asset managers, environmentalists, and any related support groups who have been, or may be involved in receivership cases, should become a member. Click HERE to join the Sacramento Valley Council.
The Sacramento Valley Council encourages its members to participate in the CRF statewide Call Connect and Webinar programs. Consult the Education section of this website for Call Connect and Webinars offered online. The council leadership hopes that in December 2021 that Sacramento can have an in-person holiday social.
The California Receivers Forum’s state Education Committee coordinates educational programs that are offered statewide as webinars or in person programs and symposiums.

Mike Brumbaugh
MBI Consulting Group, Inc.

Scott Sackett
Fiduciary Management Technologies, Inc.

Terri Riker
Lee Ventures Realty, Inc.

Jason Rios
Felderstein Fitzgerald Willoughby & Pascuzzi, LLP

Peter F. Martin
Membership Chair
Martin, Inc.

Michael Muse-Fisher
Education Co-Chair

Kevin Collins
Education Co-Chair