Receivership News is published by the California Receivers Forum and distributed to the California insolvency community including members of the California Receivers Forum, California Bankruptcy Forum, and judges across the state in courts that may hear receivership matters.
Members of the judiciary who do not currently receive Receivership News, and would like to receive the publication may request a complimentary subscription at derek@groupconcepts.org.
Dominic LoBuglio, CPA
Michael Muse-Fisher, Buchalter
Chad C. Coombs, Thomas Seaman Company in Irvine, CA – Tax Talk
Peter Davidson, Esq, Ervin Cohen & Jessup LLP, Los Angeles – Ask the Receiver
Ryan Baker, Douglas Wilson Companies, Irvine – Heard in the Halls
Receivership News is published quarterly by the California Receivers Forum, a not-for-profit association. Articles in this publication express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, editor, associate publishers or directors, officers or members of the California Receivers Forum. Articles are intended as a source of general information and should not be construed as specific advice without further inquiry and/or consultation with counsel or other necessary professionals.
Mailing address for Receivership News: PO Box 10 | Manhattan Beach, CA 90267