Over the past year, CRF has been working diligently to improve services to members and implement online and digital upgrades that provide more membership options and create a more contemporary appearance to the online face of the organization. The CRF Board of Directors created the Digital Presence Committee to work with staff to execute exciting new and upgraded services.
Searchable Member Profiles
While members have always been searchable on the CRF website, members can now control what others see about them through the online search portal. In the past, members had to pay for “expanded bios.” Now, you can update your member information yourself at any time through the new MemberClicks Association Management System. To view or update your profile information, simply go to the CRF website at Receivers.org and click on Member Login (upper left corner of website). Your email is your username and, if you haven’t already done so, create your own unique password. Once logged in, click on My Profile and the Edit Profile button. You’ll have the opportunity to include a host of information about you and your business, including an “extended bio” where you can describe – in narrative form – your services. If you’d like a step-by-step instruction on how to update your profile, click on “Home” in the member website and select the MemberClicks Training Videos link for a video tutorial on editing your profile.
Member Educational Transcripts
Track your continuing education using CRF’s new Continuing Education Transcript tool. Any time you take an educational session through CRF, your session and it’s corresponding CLE is recorded in your personal Continuing Education Transcript, also accessible through your Member Profile. You can also add other external educational providers to your Continuing Education Transcript. This provides an easy way to track your CEs and print or download a transcript when it comes time for license renewal.
Digital Education Through “Receivers Academy” CRF recently launched a new digital, on-demand education platform where you can purchase online education on specific receivership topics to view at your leisure. Receivers Academy provides presentations from experts on a variety of topics with continuing education certification upon completion. CRF members receive significant discounts and new sessions are added regularly. Receivers Academy is accessible on CRF’s website at Receivers.org.
New CRF Website
CRF has launched a refreshed and modernized website with more robust navigation and information including:
- Digital Tombstone Ads – When you purchase a Receivership Announcement in Receivership News, your ad is now included on a page in the CRF website.
- Receiver Description – Information about what a receiver does and the receivership process.
- Photo Gallery – View professional photos from various CRF events.
- Economic News Feed – Live feeds about financial and economic news.
- Receiver And Receivership Practitioner Search Engine – Search for receivers and receivership practitioners using various search parameters including specialty areas, names and locations.
- Event Calendar – Live event calendar to access upcoming or past CRF events, descriptions and online registration.
- Receivership News – Members can access digital copies of current or past issues of Receivership News. The specific article search for Receivership News will be available soon as well.
As CRF continues to improve its digital platform, we invite you to give us your feedback regarding how CRF can provide benefits to members and the receivership community. Your constructive comments are welcome and appreciated. Email your comments to Amy@olsenmgmt.com.